eCOGRA Safe and Fair Gambling Guidelines For Microgaming Casinos

eCOGRA Safe and Fair

Microgaming Casinos

eCOGRA Safe and Fair Gambling Guidelines operate for the sole purpose of monitoring, auditing, and providing assistance to users of the rapidly increasing activities of online gaming and eCommerce.

Founded in March 2003, eCOGRA is based in London… located in Berkeley Square, London. It is an internationally accredited testing agency, player protection, and standards organization providing an international framework for best practice requirements of online casino operations.

eCOGRA’s self-regulation activities generally focus on the following policy objectives:

The protection of vulnerable customers.
The prevention of underage gaming.
Combating fraudulent and criminal behavior.
Protection of customer privacy and safeguarding of information.
Prompt and accurate customer payments.
Fair gaming (e.g. RNG and RTP game evaluations).
Responsible marketing.
Commitment to customer satisfaction and support.
Secure, safe and reliable operating environment.

eCOGRA Safe and Fair staff members have considerable legal, financial, business administration, and IT auditing experience at one of the Big 4 audit firms, and have qualified as Chartered Accountants.

As professional auditors, these individuals are required to employ International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (‘IAASB’) Auditing Standards. Many are Certified Information System Auditors and governed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (‘ISACA’).

Test engineers are highly trained and specialized in the field of online gaming and other leading-edge systems and technologies; able to perform system evaluations both onsite and offsite.

In March of 2003, when eCOGRA first began operations, they entered into a joint partnership with the highly esteemed casino software provider, Microgaming. They rapidly became a force to be reckoned with in the industry thanks to the auditing abilities of the eCOGRA personnel and the experience of Microgaming employees. In order to affirm the role as an independent online gaming and eCommerce authority, in 2011 eCOGRA bought out their company shares owned by Microgaming.

Accredited by a host of gambling jurisdictions, including Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Isle of Man, Alderney, Gibraltar and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, eCOGRA has an array of functions that encompass auditing of online casino operators, testing the software, fair payout percentage certification, and RNG (Random Number Generator) testing to ensure randomness. They also and monitor and approve affiliate marketing programs to ensure ethical behavior of any online casino operators.

To be awarded the highly respected eCOGRA Safe and Fair Seal, online casinos must adhere to the strict eCOGRA guidelines:

Sharing the eCOGRA vision towards safe, fair, and responsible gaming.
Prove to have the highest levels of integrity.
Comply with the Generally Accepted Practices (eGAP) set by eCOGRA.
Casino operator approval by eCOGRA’s Seals Compliance Committee.
Utilized software provider approval by eCOGRA’s Seals Compliance Committee.

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Generally Accepted Practices (eGAP) set by eCOGRA:

eGAP Casino Provision Requirements: The eGAP requirements combine elements of corporate governance, legal compliance, financial controls, systems controls and operational controls.

This refers to the underlying philosophy of eCOGRA, largely based on the objectives set forth by the company to ensure player protection, fair gambling, responsible operator practices, and service provider conduct.

The requirements set forth by eGAP monitor the procedures and practices of service providers and operators to ensure they act accordingly. eGAP ensures the games are fair and honest for further player protection.

eGAP provisions also monitor and confirm transactions between online casino operators and players are not in violation of the laws set by the player’s jurisdiction . Any independent third party activities not covered by the eGAP seal, eCOGRA certification, or eCOGRA Affiliate Trust Seal should not be relied on for assurance.This includes payment processors, online banking companies, web wallet companies, and affiliate programs.

Dispute Mediation:  A large part of eCOGRA’s business involves resolving disputes between players and operators, which is primarily due to the issue that many players very often do not reside in the same country as the online casino.

This may lead to the online casino operator taking advantage of this situation, whereby abusing their standing by delaying payments or voiding winnings on technicalities.

In the event of a dispute, eCOGRA will only step in after the player has exhausted all other avenues, and the operator in question has refused all attempts to resolve the situation amicably.

eCOGRA will not assist any player that has acted inappropriately and nefariously, as it will also be in a direct violation of the trust shown to them by the online gaming operators.

The dispute mediation services provided by eCOGRA give players a voice that is not as easily ignored as it would be to ignore the player. There is a very thorough process in the event of a dispute, and eCOGRA reviews all the facts given by both parties and makes an unbiased decision based on the information provided.

 eCOGRA has a dedicated communications staff to provide regular updates to all parties of interest in the industry..operators and service providers to the media and online players.

The press room releases information pertaining to any new certifications awarded and other activities or actions that occur within the industry that will benefit players, affiliates, operators and service providers.

 Safe and Fair Seal:  eCOGRA has determined through annual onsite reviews and constant monitoring that the following websites are eligible to display the Safe and Fair Seal:

 Software developers or platform providers are assessed annually through comprehensive onsite compliance reviews by eCOGRA specialists.

The software supplier requirements focus on the internal controls governing the development and IT security environment.

The controls ensure the software is implemented, maintained and continuously operated. in a safe, secure and reliable manner, and in accordance with best practice.

eCOGRA has determined through annual onsite reviews and ongoing monitoring that the following software suppliers are eligible to display the Certified Software Seal:

Alands Penningautomatforening (Paf)
Bet-at-Home Software
Betclic Software
Boss Media Software digital entertainment Software
Digitote Software
Expekt Software
Ivy Comptech Software
Kambi Sports Solutions

Ongame Software
Random Logic Software

 The eCOGRA certification process are both thorough and necessary. It is nearly impossible to police activities. which results in the presence of many unscrupulous online casino operators

eCOGRA is an accredited testing agency with several online gaming jurisdictions, highly respected for their thorough testing and their stringent safe and fair regulations. eCOGRA Safe and Fair Gambling Guidelines continue to be the leading authority in the industry.

Works Cited: “INTRODUCTION.” ECommerce and Online Gaming Regulation and Assurance.
N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

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